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Varia FD-87h
Varia FD-87h



Consistently crackle and flame

Digitally controllable & manageable via app

Store heat and heat economically

Open the viewing pane automatically

Large-format tunnel fireplace in a modern design with a glass door that can be pushed up. The Varia FD-87h fireplace impresses with its transparency as a visual highlight in your home. It is perfect as a room divider, which at the same time creates a connection through the fire. Enjoy the fire, its warmth, and the fascinating play of flames in two rooms at once! The Varia FD-87h is not only visually impressive but also technically. The sliding door can be operated manually or opened electrically with our S-ESAM window mechanism. Another smart fireplace assistance function that makes everyday life easier is the S-Thermatik NEO, which allows you to control the burn-off via app.

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